Operator's association

The goal of the museum and the members of the operating association is to maintain and constantly expand a site for the presentation of -primarily German- aviation history.
The museum is operated by the non-profit association Luftfahrt-Museum Laatzen-Hannover e.V.. We would be pleased to accept you as a member.
You can download an application for membership or take a look at our brochure.
By the way: Donations to our operating association are fully tax deductible at your local tax office.
The museum is alive and makes its living from the entrance fees and the donations of its supporters. It receives no financial support from public funds.
If you would like to support us with a donation, of course against a donation receipt, aks us for our bank details: Sekretariat
Tell us about your visit and recommend the museum to your friends and acquaintances! You can find our Flyer here.